Tag Archive for: primary school

LEARNING THE ROPES: Preparing for Middle School

As one school year ends and we prepare for a fresh start, we may feel excited, nervous and perhaps a little unsure.
Moving from Primary to Secondary School, in particular, is one of the biggest steps you take in your school journey.
We take special care in guiding you along this path. For our 5th graders moving up to Secondary School, our teacher Paola Cirelli, has been giving students a crash course in “LEARNING THE ROPES”.
In this project, our soon-to-be Middle Schoolers have been developing study methods; a vital skill for their next steps at Smiling.
They looked at how to conduct research, how to create maps from text and also how you learn from videos, to name just a few.
The children shared ideas and resources, which culminated in this fantastic website! It’s a great resource to refresh what you’ve learned so far, or, if you missed the crash course, you can check it now!
Click and play around; discover the lessons and valuable resources on there. You’ll stride into Middle School with confidence and determination!


Children of the primary school have been flexing their writing muscles. Here, we share some of their marvellous storytelling.

Our bright students let their imaginations run free and produced some gripping tales. What’s more, thanks to the guidance of their teacher, Elena Berveglieri, we have created a virtual library!

Browse through the short stories here to transport you to another world. Maybe they’ll inspire you to get writing too!

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.smilingservice.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Il-fenicottero-e-il-gamberetto-Angelica-.pdf” title=”Il fenicottero e il gamberetto – Angelica”][pdf-embedder url=”http://smilingservice.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Il-Papiro-misterioso-PietroP..pdf” title=”Il Papiro misterioso- PietroP.”][pdf-embedder url=”http://smilingservice.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Il-sogno-perduto-Arianna.pdf” title=”Il sogno perduto- Arianna”][pdf-embedder url=”http://smilingservice.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/La-lumaca-e-il-ghepardo-Luigi.pdf” title=”La lumaca e il ghepardo – Luigi”][pdf-embedder url=”http://smilingservice.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/La-strabiliante-missione-Viola-P.pdf” title=”La strabiliante missione – Viola P”][pdf-embedder url=”https://www.smilingservice.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Le-avventure-del-dott.-Golinelli-il-racconto-d_avventura.pdf” title=”Le avventure del dott. Golinelli – il racconto d_avventura”]