The Three-Year Educational Offer Plan – (Piano Triennale Offerta Formativa) PTOF – is drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of Law no. 107 of the 13th of July 2015. Our educational offer is grounded in the history and experience of the Smiling School, and defines the educational path we offer to students.
The document addresses the following issues:
- The strategic aims and identity of the Smiling Early Years, Primary School, Lower Secondary and High School;
- The principles and actions for the development of students’ disciplinary and citizenship skills;
- The promotion of students’ well-being;
- The principles and actions for the development of the education community;
- The promotion of the organizational well-being and training of all the school staff and of the companies and individuals who interact with it;
- Communication, both internal and external
- Curricular planning;
- Organizational planning and the Institute’s governance.
You will then find the Three-Year Plans for Happy Hedgehogs (FE1A09500E), Early Years (FE1A09500E), Primary School (FE1E00100N), Secondary School (FE 1ME9500R) and High School (FEPLL35007).