Children of the primary school have been flexing their writing muscles. Here, we share some of their marvellous storytelling.

Our bright students let their imaginations run free and produced some gripping tales. What’s more, thanks to the guidance of their teacher, Elena Berveglieri, we have created a virtual library!

Browse through the short stories here to transport you to another world. Maybe they’ll inspire you to get writing too!

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Il fenicottero e il gamberetto – Angelica”][pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Il Papiro misterioso- PietroP.”][pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Il sogno perduto- Arianna”][pdf-embedder url=”” title=”La lumaca e il ghepardo – Luigi”][pdf-embedder url=”” title=”La strabiliante missione – Viola P”][pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Le avventure del dott. Golinelli – il racconto d_avventura”]