Tag Archive for: lockdown

VIDEO DIARIES: Life in a Pandemic

Are we back to normal now? What does that even look like after a pandemic?

It’s undeniably true that we may soon forget how oppressive full lockdown was here in Italy.

When we were in the middle of being trapped inside all the time, this is how students of Smiling processed the experience.

Take a look at the video diaries of some of our 11th Grade students. Thanks to our Business Studies teacher, Ian Browne, for proposing the project.









Reflections: School During Lockdown

Now that we are emerging, blinking in the sunlight, we look back on what we have experienced these past few months.

It’s been a school year like no other. Far apart, but learning together. Doing all we can to feel close and connected.

In 2nd Grade, the children wrote down their thoughts and drew pictures to reflect how they got through this trying time.

This project was dreamed up by their teacher, Giulia Bottura, who is so proud of how much they’ve grown. Despite the challenges they’ve faced, they show maturity and wisdom far beyond their years.

Read the inspiring and humbling examples below.