Smiling’s Houses are back!

We’ re on the move again with a new entry!

On Tuesday 5th April the first General Assembly was held, after almost 2 years, in a special location: the large internal park of the Smiling Campus in Corso Ercole I d’Este.

The Bubbly Butterflies, the eldest section of Early Years, joined all grades of Primary and Secondary School to take part in the big event!

Each student (and each teacher!!) was assigned a house, just like in Harry Potter!

Something has changed though, this 2022 has brought with it a new element! To the 3 traditional Smiling houses: ACROBATS, DRUIDS AND QUICKSILVERS, due to the increasing number of students, a fourth house has been added: BRAVE HEARTS!

Smiling is now coloured in 4 different shades: green, blue, red and yellow!

The enthusiasm and euphoria shown by all the students, young and older, was pure joy for us, a shot of cheerfulness and happiness that we all needed and that was missing in the corridors of our School!




General Assembly: Primary & Secondary School

General Assembly: Bubbly Butterflies