Given the unprecedented times, this year’s Buskers Festival will undoubtedly be different to previous years due to the precautions our town is taking. However, by popular demand, this fantastic music festival is still going ahead and promises to be an exciting and major event in Ferrara’s cultural calendar.
For safety, only musicians from Italy will be allowed to perform in Ferrara although there will also be a live streaming session performed by our International Buskers for everyone to enjoy.
Five locations in the historical city centre have been chosen to host the artists. Three concerts will be held in each of these locations every evening with a limited number of places. All the normal safety standards will be put in place to protect the audience and the artists. Concerts start at 9 p.m. onwards, although the venues open at 7 p.m. and invite people to have an aperitif and/or to sample some delicious street food. You are advised to arrive at your venue by at least 8.30 p.m.
Given the restricted audiences numbers, this year it is compulsory to book tickets in advance if you would like to come to the festival. Tickets cost €10 per person, per venue. Children under the age of 6 are free but during concerts, parents are asked to please sit children with them.
The Buskers Festival organisation does not recommend bringing babies under the age of 1 to the concerts for safety reasons.
Animals are not allowed because of limited space and the loud volume can distress them.
Drinks are not allowed to be brought to the festival. Each location will have a drinks stand and some will have food stands too or bars/restaurants nearby.
-Scroll down and select the date and venue that you would like to book, then click ‘Prenota’.
Please note that you will only be allowed to visit one venue per evening.
Programme in Ferrara:
26th August
Opening ceremony
Promotions, sponsors & publicity in the city centre Raffaele Kohler, il trombettista di MIlano. (‘The trumpeter of Milan’)
Aperitif with the musicians (write to: if you would like to save a place)
Daniele Gambini – the deaf pianist who will explain how to hear music
‘Movimentart per colorare il suo cuore’ – inauguration of an art exhibition by Andrea Spinelli & Daniela Pareschi
CHIOSTRO SAN PAOLO– Piazzetta Alberto Schiatti, 7
Giorgia Job
Ambra Marie
PALAZZO ROVERELLA– Via Giovanni Boldini, 12
The Orange Beat
Level Spaces
Daiana Lou
Hot Club du Nax
Marco Sbarbati Duo
Tutto Good Trio
The Trouble Notes
Enrico Cipollini Duo
Ruperts Kitchen Orchestra
28th August
CHIOSTRO SAN PAOLO– Piazzetta Alberto Schiatti, 7
Enrico Cipollini Duo
Hot Club du Nax
PALAZZO ROVERELLA– Via Giovanni Boldini, 12
Giorgia Job
Tutto Good Trio
The Trouble Notes
The Orange Beat
Hot Club du Nax
Giorgia Job
30th August
The music festival concludes by linking up live with Buskers in America, Australia, Norway and Hawaii. Watch and listen to concerts live- streaming from the Castle’s large screens.
Buskers Festival Preview
It is worth noting that in Comacchio there is a preview of the Buskers Festival on 25thAugust which is free.
Booking a place and choosing the venue in Comacchio is still compulsory and can be done on the official Buskers Festival website by following the instructions above.
Concerts in Comacchio start at 9.30 p.m.
[:] 10:42:572020-08-18 10:42:57(English) Ferrara Buskers Festival 2020
Questo è un evento di fitness gratuito per il divertimento di tutti da casa. Molte palestre aderiscono e offrono una varietà di corsi come Yoga, Pilates, Total Body, Pump ecc. In diretta su Streaming.
Per partecipare, collegati online a questo indirizzo oggi stesso: feshioneventi / fit4love e fai clic sulla parola “ISCRIVITI” nella parte inferiore della pagina, inserisci i tuoi dati e ti invieranno un elenco di attività in corso.
Ti invitano anche a fare una donazione all’Ospedale di Cona della citta di Ferrara. Questi soldi andranno contribuire all’acquisto di attrezzature per supportare la struttura a fronteggiare l’emergenza Coronavirus.
‘Testaperaria’ Libreria per Bambini – Consegna a casa
Via De’ Romei 19
Tel: 0532 202823
Testaperaria come tutti gli altri negozi di Ferrara è chiusa ma, nel frattempo offre un servizio di consegna a domicilio, due volte a settimana. Questo servizio non fa riferimento ad alcuna società di consegna, è gestito direttamente dalla libreria stessa. Se sei interessato all’acquisto di un libro preciso o desideri consultare l’elenco di quelli disponibili per l’acquisto, scrivi a info@testaperaria.itoppure consulta il loro sito web.
Casa Niccolini- Biblioteca per bambini
La biblioteca Casa Niccolini vi invita a partecipare a:
‘Albero delle Storie’
Copia questo link per guardare e ascoltare le storie lette da Teresa Fregola:
Spera di incontrarvi presto in biblioteca, magari in estate, per leggere insieme altre storie.
Puoi continuare a seguire Casa Niccolini su Facebook: Biblioteca per bambini di Casa Niccolini
Aggiornamento – Svago a Ferrara
Edifici storici, musei e gallerie d’arte rimangono chiusi fino al 3 Maggio 2020.
Aggiornamento – Il Palio
Il Palio, famoso evento storico che ha vita a Ferrara ogni anno, è stato rinviato dal 19 Maggio al 26 settembre 2020.
SUPERMERCATI – orari d’apertura
Lunedì – Sabato: 8.30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Domenica: 8.30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Lunedì – Sabato: 8.30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Domenica: 8.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Lunedì– Sabato: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Domenica: chiuso
Eurospin(Porta Catena)
Lunedì: chiuso
Martedì – Sabato: 8 a.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Eurospin (Via Padova)
Lunedì: chiuso
Martedì – Sabato: 8.30 a.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Ipercoop Le Mura(supermercato, negozio per animali e farmacia)
Lunedi – Sabato: 8.30 a.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Ipercoop Il Castello(solo il supermercato)
Lunedì – Sabato: 8.30 a.m. – 9.30 p.m.
Domenica: 9 a.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Lloyds Pharmacy(all’interno dell’Ipercoop Il Castello, di fianco l’ingresso principale)
Lunedi – Sabato: 8.30 a.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Tutti gli orari di apertura dei negozi possono essere verificati su questo utilissimo sito Web:
Digita la tua area e la ‘categoria’ – quindi quale tipo di negozio stai cercando (farmacia, drogheria, bricolage, negozi di animali, ecc …) e ti dirà quali sono aperti nella tua zona!
Updates April 2020
8.30 a.m. – 9.30 p.m.
Organized by FEshion Events & Area 55
This is a free event for everyone to enjoy, safe at home. Lots of gyms are adhering to this fitness event and are offering a variety of courses such as yoga, Pilates, Total Body, Pump etc. live on Streaming. To take part, go on-line to this address today: feshioneventi/fit4loveand click on the word ‘Inscriviti’ at the bottom of the page to enroll. Fill in your details then they will send you a list of activities which are taking place.
They also invite you to make a donation to Ferrara’s local hospital Sant’ Anna. This money will go towards helping with equipment and support for our hospital to deal with the Coronavirus situation.
‘Testaperaria’ Children’s Book Shop – Home Delivery
Via De’ Romei 19
0532 202823
The bookshop, like all other shops in Ferrara, is closed but in the meanwhile they are offering a home delivery service, twice a week, to those of you who are in need of a good book for company. This service doesn’t involve any delivery company but is run completely by themselves. If you are interested in buying a particular book or would like to browse the list of books which they have at the bookshop for you to purchase, write an email to
You can continue to follow ‘Testaperaria’ on their website.
Casa Niccolini Library for kids
This children’s library would like to invite you to:
‘Albero delle Storie’
Copy this link to watch and listen to stories read by Teresa Fregola:
Type in your area and ‘categoria’ – so which type of shop you are looking for (pharmacy, groceries, DIY, pet shops etc…) and it will tell you which ones are open in your area!
Unisciti a noi in questa bellissima causa e aiuta a pulire le spiagge locali.
Carnevale di Cento
Domenica 1 Marzo (ANNULLATO)
Domenica 8Marzo
Continua il Carnevale di Cento! Trovi maggiori dettagli nella news letter di Febbraio 2020!
Primavera Slow
21 Marzo – 21 Giugno
Questo è un evento di 14 settimane alla scoperta del Parco del Delta del Po e dei suoi dintorni. Visita il sito Web per scoprire quali eventi ci sono. Leggi le nostre idee “Primavera & Autunno” e “Gemme storiche” sul nostro sito per scoprire i diversi luoghi che puoi visitare intorno al Delta.
Una bella storia seguita da un divertente workshop in inglese.
Prenotazioni: 0532 418231
Adatto a bambini a partire dai 4 anni
Venerdì 6 Marzo, 3 p.m.
‘Young friends of libraries’
Un film adatto a giovani ragazzi (non bambini) diretto da Roan Johnson.
Sabato 7 Marzo, 3 p.m.
Giochi di Scienza!
Esperimenti scientifici e giochi adatti a bambini dai 5 anni in su.
Prenotazioni: 0532 418231
Evento Gratuito
Sabato 28 Marzo dalle 11 alle 12.30
English Time – Oh no, Ono!
Prenotazioni: 0532 418231
Adatto a bambini a partire dai 4 anni
31Marzo, 5 p.m.
European Youth Orchestra per Casa Niccolini
La European Youth Orchestrasta tornando a Ferrara e visiterà la Biblioteca Casa Niccolini! Questa è un’eccitante opportunità per i bambini di ascoltare brevi concerti di musica eseguita dal vivo. Il programma è una sorpresa! Sarà anche possibile per i bambini di porre domande.
Non è necessario prenotare, ma i posti saranno limitati, quindi arrivate in anticipo.
Testaperaria – Libreria
Via de’ Romei, 19
Martedì 10 Marzo, 5 p.m.
‘Il Giro d’Italia in 80 Isole’
Un laboratorio creativo gratuito con l’autore Andrea Alesci .
Prenotazioni: 0532 202823
Adatto a bambini a partire dai 4 anni
Omaggio ai Duchi di Ferrara
4,5, 13, 18,26 Aprile
2- 3 Maggio
Corte Castello Estense, 5 p.m.
Questo evento è l’introduzione ai giochi del Palio Rinascimentale che si terranno più avanti a nel mese di Maggio. Le otto squadre o “Contrade” della città si presentano al Duca di Ferrara mettendo in scena brevi balli e esibizioni di bandiere nel “cortile” del castello. Puoi guardare la sfilata e la presentazione gratuitamente, ma per ottenere una buona postazione devi arrivare in anticipo.
Ridotto del Teatro Comunale
Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5
Questa è una bellissima opportunità per godersi brevi concerti in un ambiente elegante ma accogliente. I concerti sono spesso gratuiti o hanno un prezzo ridotto, da cui il nome del Teatro stesso.
Sabato 7 Marzo, 5 p.m.
Riflessioni – 40 anni di musica afroamericana
Ferrara Film Festival
28 Marzo – 5 Aprile
Apollo Cinepark (Piazza Carbone, 35)
Sapevi che Ferrara è il luogo di nascita di alcuni dei più importanti registi e attori cinematografici italiani e che ha avuto un ruolo fondamentale nella storia della cinematografia? L’attore e regista Maximilian Law, che ha organizzato questo evento, ha scelto 37 anteprime cinematografiche nazionali e internazionali che verranno proiettate quest’anno durante questo 5 ° Festival del cinema all’Apollo Cinepark. Tutti i film sono in lingua originale con sottotitoli (salvo diversamente indicato). Ogni ora dello spettacolo presenta 1-2 cortometraggi seguiti dal film principale
Questa è una manifestazione automobilistica internazionale che fa una tappa nel centro storico di Ferrara. Alcune delle case automobilistiche più importanti e conosciute prendono parte alla sfilata. E’ una grande opportunità per tutti gli amanti del settore automobilistico auto per ammirare la meraviglia delle auto d’epoca.
‘Tra Simbolismo e Futurismo’ – Gaetano Previati
Castello Estense
9 Febbraio– 7 Giugno 2020
9.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. (ultimo ingresso alle 4.45 p.m.)
Una deliziosa mostra d’arte con oltre sessanta opere dell’artista originario di Ferrara.
Apertura speciale: 8Marzo, 9 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Ingresso: € 8 (adulti), gratuito (bambini sotto i 6 anni), biglietto famiglia disponibile
‘Dal Mare Per Il Mare’ – G7 Vela
Cleaning the Lidi Comacchiesi
Sunday 15thMarch
Spiaggetta di Goro (Raffaele 340 480 0184)
Lido di Volano (Mauro 333 783 6691)
Lido degli Estensi (Paul 334 681 9938)
Lido di Spina (Matteo 333 742 7158)
Come and join us in this worthy cause and help clean the local beaches.
Cento’s Carnival
Sunday 1stMarch (CANCELLED)
Sunday 8thMarch
Cento’s Carnival continues! See previous newsletter for more details.
Slow Spring
21stMarch – 21stJune
This is a 14 week event to discover Po Delta Park and its surroundings. Visit the website to find out what events there are. Read our ‘Spring & Autumn’ ideas and ‘Historical Gems’ on our web page to find different places you can visit around the Delta.
A film suitable for young boys and girls (not children), directed by Roan Johnson
Saturday 7thMarch at 3 p.m.
Giochi di Scienza!
Science experiments and games suitable for children aged 5 and above.
Please book: 0532 418231
Cost: free
Saturday 28thMarch from 11 a.m. to midday
English Time – Oh no, Ono!
Story time in followed by a fun workshop in English.
Please book: 0532 418231
Suitable for children aged 4+
31stMarch at 5 p.m.
European Youth Orchestra visits Casa Niccolini library
The European Youth Orchestra is returning to Ferrara and will visit the library! This is an exciting opportunity for children to listen to short exerts of music performed live. The programme is a surprise! There will also be opportunity for the children to ask questions.
There is no need to book but places will be limited so arrive early.
Testaperaria – Book Shop The book shop is currently open
Via de’ Romei, 19
Tuesday 10thMarch at 5 p.m.
‘Il Giro d’Italia in 80 Isole’
A creative workshop with the author Andrea Alesci of this exciting adventure.
This event is the introduction to the Renaissance Palio games which will be taking place later on in May. The eight teams or “Contrade” of the city present themselves to the Duke of Ferrara by putting on short dances and flag-throwing exhibitions in the castle’s courtyard. You can watch the parade and presentation for free, but to get a good position you need to arrive early.
Concertsin the Theatre’s Foyer – ‘Ridotto del Teatro Comunale’
Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5
This is a lovely opportunity for people to enjoy short concerts in an elegant butcosysetting. The concerts are often free or have a reduced price, hence the name ‘Ridotto’.
Saturday 7thMarch at 5 p.m.
Reflections – 40 years of Afro-American music
Ferrara Film Festival
28thMarch – 5thApril
Apollo Cinepark (Piazza Carbone, 35)
Did you know that Ferrara is the birthplace of some of Italy’s most important film directors and actors, and that it has played an important role in the history of cinematography? The actor and film director Maximilian Law, who has organized this event, has chosen 37 international and national film premieres to be shown this year during this 5thFilm Festival at the Apollo Cinepark. There are some amazing films and documentaries being shown!
All films are in their original languagewith subtitles (unless otherwise stated). Each show time presents one or two short films followed by one main feature film)
This is an international car rally which stops over in Ferrara’s historical city centre. It has some of the most important and well-known automobile manufacturers taking part and it is a great opportunity for car-lovers to admire these vintage cars.
‘Tra Simbolismo e Futurismo’ – Gaetano Previati
Castello Estense
9th February – 7th June 2020
9.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. (last admittance at 4.45 p.m.)
A delightful art exhibition with other sixty works by Ferrara’s very own artist.
Special opening time: 8thMarch, 9 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Admittance: €8 (adults), free (children under 6), family ticket available
The Venice carnival is famous world-wide and is a ‘must’ whilst staying in Ferrara. It gets very crowded especially at weekends, but don’t be put off as there is always something magical about celebrating ‘Carnevale’ in Venice.
Opening Celebrations:
Festival on Water Part 1– Rio di Cannaregio
Saturday 8th February, from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.
The opening ceremony starts at Rio di Cannaregio, along the canal, where an impressive floating theatre will present the theme for this year’s carnival: ‘Il Gioco, l’Amore e la Follia’. The first performance is at 7 p.m. and is repeated at 9 p.m.
Festival on Water Part 2– From Punta della Dogana to Rio di Cannaregio
Sunday9thFebruary, from 10.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The canals of this area of Venice (Rio di Cannaregio) will come alive with music and theatre. Watch the spectacular boat parade which starts from Punta della Dogana and travels along the Canal Grande all the way to Rio di Cannaregio. When the boats arrive (around 12 p.m.) food stands will open, offering typical sweets and other Venetian delicacies.
Official Dinner and Ball
15th, 16th& from 20thto 25thFebruary, from 9 p.m. – 2 a.m.
Ca’ Vendramin Calegri
If you would like a truly amazing carnival experience with entertainment, a fabulous meal, music and everything organized for you, then this is the magical event for you. Hurry though and book on-line ( Watch out for the prices – they are rather magical too! This event is for adults only.
Entertainment in San Marco
Saturday 15th– Tuesday 25thFebruary
Throughout the weeks the famous San Marco’s square becomes the heart, not only of the city, but also of the carnival.
Festa delle Marie
Saturday 15thFebruary from 2.30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
The procession leaves San Piero di Castello (via Garibaldi) at 2.30 p.m. and arrives in Piazza San Marco at around 4 p.m.
This is a historical street parade of the 12 most beautiful Venetian ladies who are presented with gifts from the Doge of Venice in the main Piazza.
Best Mask of Venice Competition
Piazza San Marco
Every day from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Each day in Piazza San Marco there is a competition to choose the best costume. The grand finale takes place on Sunday 23rdFebruary at 2.30 p.m.
Il Volo dell’Angelo (The flight of the Angel)
Piazza San Marco
Sunday 16th February, from 11 a.m. onwards
‘The Flight of the Angel’ opens the carnival of Venice each year and is an impressive sight to watch. There will be lots of entertainment in the Piazza whilst waiting for the angel to fly down from the bell tower at around midday.
‘Il Volo dell’Aquila’ (The Flight of the Eagle)
Piazza San Marco
Sunday 23rdFebruary, 11 a.m. – midday
Another traditional event which symbolizes the Carnival of Venice is the ‘Flight of the Eagle’ – a celebrity bravely “flies” from the top of San Marco’s bell tower to San Marco’s square, dressed as an eagle.
Children’s Best Mask Competition
Monday 24thFebruary, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Piazza San Marco
If you or your child would like to participate in the “Best Mask Contest” this event is free. Go to the official Venice Carnival website: www.carnevale.venezia.itand select the ‘Best Mask’ event, the day and then click on the word ‘modulo’ (form). Simply fill in the form and email it back to the indicated address. You will then be sent all the information you need.
Festa delle Marie – Award Ceremony
Piazza San Marco
25thFebruary, at 4 p.m.
The most beautiful Maria will arrive by boat in Piazza San Marco where she will receive her crown.
‘Lo Svolo del Leon’
Piazza San Marco
25thFebruary, 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
An enormous flag with the symbol of the city flies over the piazza to close the Carnival of Venice officially.
Other Carnivals near Venice
Mestre Carnival Street Show
15th& 16thand from 20th– 25thFebruary, 4.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Piazza Ferretto , Mestre
The streets of the city of Mestre (Venice) will come alive with music, acrobats and parades.
Even this tiny island holds its own street carnival with entertainment for children, floats, concerts and parades. Catch a boat from outside the station or from Piazza San Marco.
Flight of the Donkey
Sunday 23rdFebruary, from 11.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Piazza Ferretto, Mestre
Copying the original ‘Flight or the Eagle’ the town of Mestre has invented its own flying donkey!
[:] 12:47:412020-01-24 12:47:41Carnevale di Venezia
Wednesday 1st January 2020 – Guided tours of specific areas
11 a.m., midday, 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.
A guided tour of the prisons, the Lion’s tower, Orange Gardens and the beautiful piano Nobile.
Adults: €8, children €3 aged 6 – 18
Friday 3rd January – Guided tour
11 a.m. & 3 p.m.
Guided tours of the Castle
Saturday 4th January – Guided tour
11 a.m., 2 p.m. & 3 p.m.
Guided tours of the Castle
3.30 p.m. – ‘Un Pifferaio in Castle’’ – ‘A Piper at the Castle’
Follow the Pied Piper of Ferrara around the Castle as he plays his magic flute and tells enchanted stories. Make an instrument and create music together.
Adults: €10, children: €5
Suitable for children aged 5 – 10
4 p.m. – ‘Donne a corte. L’altra faccia del potere’ – ‘Women at court’
Learn more about women at court as this event explores the power which some of the duchesses had on the men. This will be followed by an aperitif.
Adults: €18, children: €13 aged 6 – 18
Sunday 5th January – Guided tour of specific areas
11 a.m., 2 p.m. & 3 p.m.
Guided tours of the prisons, the Lion’s Tower, Orange Gardens and the piano Nobile.
Adults: €8, children €3 aged 6 – 18
4 p.m. – ‘Misteri e delitti a Corte’
Controversial stories, unresolved mysteries and intrigue at court followed by an
Adults: €18, children €13 aged 6 – 18
Monday 6th January – Guided tour
11 a.m., midday, 2 p.m. & 3 p.m.
A tour of the Castle
Adults: €8, children €3 aged 6 – 18
3.30 p.m. – ‘Una Befana di tanto tempo fa’
Discover stories of important people at court. Make a magic sock inspired by tastes from the past.
Befana Arrives in Ferrara – 6th January
“Befana” is an ugly, but kind old lady, who brings sweets to the children in Italy on 6th January. For those who have been naughty, Befana brings a piece of black coal. For those who have been good, she brings a sock full of sweets.
Preparing for Befana’s arrival in Father Christmas’s village Piazza Municipio
Saturday 4th January at 4 p.m.
Children can draw and ‘sew’ Befana’s dress
Sunday 5th January
Arts & crafts workshop
Monday 6th January at 4 p.m.
Dancing and entertainment in the piazza until the arrival of Befana at 5.30 p.m. A bonfire will be lit at 6 p.m. in Piazza Trento e Trieste.
‘Befana dello Sport’
Saturday 5th January, at 4.30 p.m. (doors open at 3 p.m.) Palasport di Piazzale Atleti Azzuri d’Italia
Admission: All donations are given to charity
A fantastic afternoon of sports entertainment for all the family. All the children will receive a sock of sweets from Befana. At the entrance there will be lots of information for families about sporting events and clubs for everyone to join
Befana Arrives Monday 6th January Piazza Trento e Trieste
3 p.m.’Befana a 4 Zampe’ an event for your dogs
4 p.m. A walk with Befana and your pet dogs ( Check in case you need a coupon.
5.30 p.m. Lottery Extraction
Theatre for children – ‘Babbo Natale, Gnomi e Folletti’
28th December – 4th January Sala Estense, Piazza Municipio, 4
The plays start at 4.30 p.m. and the ticket office, which is at the door of the theatre, opens at 3.30 p.m.
Adults: €6, children €5
Thursday 2nd January
‘Il Sogno di Tartaruga, una Fiaba Africana’ – by Il Baule Volante
(suitable for children aged 4 – 10)
Saturday 4th January
‘Barbablu’, Fiaba Horror per Bambini e Adulti Coraggiosi’ – by Pandemonium Teatro
(suitable for children aged 5+)
Teatro Nuovo Piazza Trento Trieste, 52
Ticket office (inside the theatre)
Tuesday – Saturday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
It is also possible to buy tickets an hour before the show
7th January at 9 p.m. – Sleeping Beauty – ballet 12th January at 4 p.m. – La Vedova Allegra – Opera
De Nittis Exhibition – Palazzo dei Diamanti
Corso Ercole I d’Este, 21
Special Opening Times:
31st December until 11.30 p.m.
1st & 6th January:, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
4th January until 10.30 p.m.
Ice-Skating Rink in Ferrara
1st December – 12th January 2020
Just a reminder that the open-air ice skating rink is open until 12th January. Here are the times:
Mondays – Fridays (unlimited time on the ice)
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
2.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
9 p.m. – 11.30 p.m.
Saturdays & Sundays (1 hour time limit on the ice)
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
2.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
9 p.m. – 11.30 p.m.
Christmas Eve – closes at 9 p.m.
Christmas Day – opens at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday 31st – closes at 9 p.m.
Monday 6th January – closes at 9 p.m.
If you are fed up with the cold weather and are not sure what to do with the children, why not visit this enormous indoor theme park? Look out for tickets with discounts on admission and rides. You can often find these in toy shops and at Ipercoop. You can also visit the website and download your own tickets:
To find out more about this event click on the programme of events. There are workshops for children, a visit from Father Christmas and Befana (the old lady who brings sweets to children). There is even a winter circus, a puppet theatre with daily performances and much, much more!
Epiphany in Comacchio
5th & 6th January 2020
5th January:
Historical City centre
3 .30 p.m. – A traditional parade of Befane along the canals
Torre dell’orologio, Piazza Folegatti
4.30 p.m. – The Firemen’s Befana
Antica Pecheria
5 p.m. – Arts and crafts for children
Piazza della Rimemberanza
6.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. – Entertainment for children
6th January:
Manifattura dei Marinati Museum
10 a.m. – Befana arrives and hands out sweets to all the children
City Centre
3p.m. – Sweets for all the children
Trepponti (The Three Bridges)
6 p.m. ‘Avan la Vacie’ – Befana greets the children. Music, dancing and a firework display
Lido degli Estensi , Viale Carducci
3 p.m. onwards – Entertainment for families
Epiphany in Venice
Every year at midday there is a rowing race in Venice. Fifty boatmen dressed-up as Befana row up the Grand Canal to the Rialto Bridge where there is an enormous stocking hanging from it. If you cannot go to Venice and see the race in person, watch it on the news in the evening.
Palazzo dei Diamanti. Corso Ercole I d’Este, 21. 1st December – 13th April 2020. Open every day: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. including 8t, 25th, 26th December, 1st & 6th January, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Special opening times: 31st December until 11.30 p.m. 4thJanuary, 14th February, 11th & 12th April until 10.30 p.m. Tickets: €13 adults, €11 6 – 18 yrs., over 65s, university students) free for children under the age of 6. (The ticket office always closes half an hour before closing time)
Il Paese di Babbo Natale – Father Christmas’s Village
Piazza Municipale Saturdays, Sundays and holidays (except for 25th & 31st December)3 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Father Christmas’s Village is open in Piazza Municipale. All the events are free and take place at 3 p.m. unless stated otherwise. Set Programme:Sunday 1st December
Games and entertainment with elves and Father Christmas
Saturday 7th December
Arts and crafts workshop with the elves
5 p.m. – Christmas carols
Sunday 8th December
4 p.m. Magic show performed by the clown ‘Pagliacci del Cuore’
Saturday 14th December
Christmas theatre performance by a local theatre group
Sunday 15th December
Arts and Crafts workshop
‘Pomeriggio di letture’ – afternoon story time
Saturday 21st December
Father Christmas meets the children at 3.30 p.m.
At 5 p.m. ‘Heart of Italy Pipe band’ concert (Scottish music theme)
Sunday 22nd December
Arts and crafts workshop
Tuesday 24th December
Children can write any last minute letters for Father Christmas with the elves
From 28th December – 6th January 2020 Befana arrives in Father Christmas’s village.
Saturday 28th December
Christmas rock music
Sunday 29th December
Arts & crafts workshop
Saturday 4th January at 4 p.m.
Children can draw and ‘sew’ Befana’s dress
Sunday 5th January
Arts & crafts workshop
Monday 6th January at 4 p.m.
Dancing and entertainment in the piazza until the arrival of Befana at 5.30 p.m. A bonfire will be lit at 6 p.m. in Piazza Trento e Trieste.
Testaperaria Book shop
Via de Romei, 19
Wednesday 4th December at 5 p.m.
Story Time – ‘La Tua Casa’ by Raffaele Maltoni (Narrated with music). Suitable for children aged 2 – 6; Please book: 0532 202823
Creare con le Foglie (series of workshops)
Tuesday 3rd December at 5 p.m. Leaf Rubbing. Suitable for 4 +; Cost: €5. Duration: 1 hour. Please book: 0532 202823
‘Storie da Toccare’ (series of workshops)
Friday 13th December at 5 p.m.
Io, come mi vedo? – What do I look like?
Sewing different faces to make pages of a cloth book. Suitable for 5+. Cost: €8. Duration 2 hours. Please book: 0532 202823
Il Piccolo Leo Da Vinci (series of workshops)
Friday 6th December at 5 p.m. Leo the engineer – making a wooden robot. Suitable for 5+. Cost: €12. Duration: 2 hours. Please book: 0532 202823
Events at Palazzo Marfisa
Palazzina Marfisa d’Este, Corso Giovecca, 170
1st December at 10 a.m.
Speciale Mostra 800/900
This event encourages children to discover more about life in the 1800s and 1900s whilst learning about local Ferrarese artists. With the help of a fun activity book and an opportunity to see these paintings, which are displayed in Palazza Marfisa, Palazzo Bonacossi and Casa Romei, both children and parents will enjoy a morning of art and history.
Cost: €6 children and €2 adults who must accompany their child. Duration: 1 ½ hours. Suitable for children aged 5 – 12. Please book: 328 4909350 or email:
1st December at 4 p.m.
This is a workshop for younger children who will explore colours and paint!
Suitable for children aged 3 – 6. Please book: 328 4909350 or email:
8th December at 4 p.m.
Just Like Indiana Jones!
Dig for artefacts, make maps and record results.
Suitable for children aged 6 – 12. Please book: 328 4909350 or email: ferraraå
22nd December at 4 p.m.
Nella terra di Babbo Natale – In the land of Father Christmas
Would you like to know the real story of Father Christmas? Come to the museum and find out. Make Christmas decorations get ready for this special celebration.
Suitable for children aged 6 – 12. Please book: 328 4909350 or email: ferraraå
Teatro Nuovo
Piazza Trento Trieste, 52 Ticket office (inside the theatre) Tuesday – Saturday: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. It is also possible to buy tickets an hour before each show 7th December – 5.30 p.m. & 9 p.m.
A Christmas Carol – musical 13th December at 9 p.m.
Tribute to Queen – concert 14th December at 6.30 p.m.
Cinderella – musical 19th December at 9 p.m.
Every Praise & Virginia Union Gospel Choir 20th December at 9 p.m.
Cartoon theme tunes – concert 26th December at 9 p.m.
The Nutcracker – ballet 31st December at 8.30 p.m.
Makkeroni tutto l’anno – variety show 7th January at 9.m.
Sleeping Beauty – ballet
Theatre for Children
Sala Boldini Via Gaetano Previati, 18 Tickets can be bought on the day, at the entrance to the theatre and cost 6 euros. Sunday 1st December, at 3.30 p.m. – ‘Legno, Diavolo e Vecchiette’ Suitable for children aged 5 + Sunday 15th December, at 3.30 p.m. – Chi Ha Paura di Denti di Ferro? Suitable for children aged 3 +
Winter Wonderland
Via della Fiera, 11 Ferrara Fiere e congressi 21st & 22nd December: 3 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. 25th December: 3 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. 26th December – 30th December 10.30 a.m. – 8.30 p.m. 31st December: 3 p.m. – 2 a.m. 11th & 12th January, 1st – 6th, 11th, 12th, 18th & 19th January 10.30 a.m. – 8.30 p.m.
If you are fed up with the cold weather and are not sure what to do with the children, why not visit this enormous indoor theme park? There are craft workshops for children, a visit from Father Christmas and Befana, the old lady who brings sweets to children in Italy, will arrive in January. There is even a winter circus, a puppet theatre with daily performances and much, much more!
Look out for tickets with discounts on admission and rides. You can often find these at Ipercoop or other shopping centres. You can also visit the website, download your own tickets and read more about the events taking place each day:
Nativity Scene on the Castle’s moat
24th December 2019, 10 p.m. Watch baby Jesus as he is taken by boat around the Castle’s moat and placed in his crib.
Nativity Scenes from around the World
Estense Castle, Alfonso’s Room Opening ceremony 23rd December at 10.30 a.m. 24th December – 6th January 2020 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. / 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. Closed on 25th December 1st January open from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
The Castle is holding a special exhibition of nativity scenes from all over the world collected by Ada Vecchi Simani. There are over one thousand nativity scenes in this impressive collection. Admission is free
Piccoli Ceramisti al Lavoro
1st December at 3 p.m. Museo Archeologico NazionaleVia XX Settembre, 124
A ceramic workshop for children who will create vases using clay and traditional techniques. Cost: €3.50 adults, €5 childrenSuitable for children aged 7+ (who must be accompanied by an adult)Please book: 342 0158800
Christmas at the Castle
A calendar of exciting events at the Castle for all the family to enjoy during the Christmas holidays. These events need to be booked by telephoning the Castle: 0532 299233 or by emailing:
Thursday 26th December – Guided tours of the art exhibitions 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m. & 4 p.m.
Guided tours to visit the art exhibitions ‘Dipingere gli affetti’ and ‘Il Guercino Ritrovato’ Adults: €10, children: €3 aged 6 – 18
Friday 27th December – ‘L’arte del banchetto alla corte degli Estensi’ At 4 p.m. An interesting event to learn about the art of preparing a Renaissance banquet and to discover what went on behind the scenes in the kitchens at the Castle.
This will be followed by an aperitif in the Castle’s café. Adults: €18, children: €3 aged 6 – 18
Monday 30th December – The Estense family & its history tour At 3.30 p.m. A tour of the Castle to find out more about its history and the fascinating members of the prestigious Estense family. Suitable for children aged between 5 and 10 years old, (always accompanied by an adult). Adults: €8, children: €5
Wednesday 1st January 2020 – Guided tours of specific areas 11 a.m., midday, 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. A guided tour of the prisons, the Lion’s tower, Orange Gardens and the beautiful piano Nobile. Adults: €8, children €3 aged 6 – 18
Friday 3rd January – Guided tour 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. Guided tours of the Castle
Saturday 4th January – Guided Tour 11 a.m., 2 p.m. & 3 p.m. Guided tours of the Castle
3.30 p.m. – ‘Un Pifferaio in Castle’’ – ‘A Piper at the Castle’ Follow the Pied Piper of Ferrara around the Castle as he plays his magic flute and tells enchanted stories. Make an instrument and create music together. Adults: €10, children: €5 Suitable for children aged 5 – 10
4 p.m. – ‘Donne a corte. L’altra faccia del potere’ – ‘Women at court’ Learn more about women at court as this event explores the power which some of the duchesses had on the men. This will be followed by an aperitif. Adults: €18, children: €13 aged 6 – 18
Sunday 5th January – Guided tour of specific areas 11 a.m., 2 p.m. & 3 p.m. Guided tours of the prisons, the Lion’s Tower, Orange Gardens and the piano Nobile. Adults: €8, children €3 aged 6 – 18
4 p.m. – ‘Misteri e delitti a Corte’ Controversial stories, unresolved mysteries and intrigue at court followed by an aperitif. Adults: €18, children €13 aged 6 – 18
Monday 6th January – Guided tour 11 a.m., midday, 2 p.m. & 3 p.m. A tour of the Castle Adults: €8, children €3 aged 6 – 18
3.30 p.m. – ‘Una Befana di tanto tempo fa’ Discover stories of important people at court. Make a magic sock inspired by tastes from the past.
Theatre for children
‘Babbo Natale, Gnomi e Folletti’
28th December – 4th January
Sala Estense, Piazza Municipio, 4
The plays start at 4.30 p.m. and the ticket office, which is at the door of the theatre, opens at 3.30 p.m. Adults: €6, children €5
Saturday 28th December ‘Overtures des Saponettes’ – by Michele Cafaggi (suitable for children aged 3+)
Monday 30th December ‘I Brutti Anatroccoli’ – by Teatrali Stilema (suitable for children aged 4 – 10)
Thursday 2nd January 2020 ‘Il Sogno di Tartaruga, una Fiaba Africana’ – by Il Baule Volante (suitable for children aged 4 – 10)
Saturday 4th January ‘Barbablu’, Fiaba Horror per Bambini e Adulti Coraggiosi’ – by Pandemonium Teatro (suitable for children aged 5+)
Ice-Skating Rink in Ferrara 1st December – 12th January
Just a reminder that the open-air ice skating rink is open until 12th January. Here are the times:
Mondays – Fridays (unlimited time on the ice)
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
2.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
9 p.m. – 11.30 p.m.
Saturdays & Sundays (1 hour time limit on the ice)
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
2.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
9 p.m. – 11.30 p.m.
Christmas Eve – closes at 9 p.m.
Christmas Day – opens at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday 31st – closes at 9 p.m.
Monday 6th January – closes at 9 p.m.
[:] 12:10:572019-12-27 12:10:57Dicembre- gennaio 2019/20
November is a month of magic and autumn flavours in Ferrara. People celebrate ‘San Martino’ and the air is filled with the scent of roasting chestnuts sold on street corners. There is also a magic festival which arrives in Ferrara and the last of the food festivals concludes this special month of events.
Dal Mare Per Il Mare
with G7 Vela and Smiling International School
Sunday 17th November
Meeting place: Piazzale S. Rocco (next to the pharmacy at the end of Porta Mare, near school)
Departure: 8.30 a.m.
Arrival: 9.30 a.m.
Lunch: 12.30 at ‘Quelli di Flip’, Porto Garibaldi
Return to Ferrara: 3.30 p.m.
This is an event organized by G7 Vela (sailing club) which invites families to help clean the local beaches. This year, Smiling is organizing a coach to bring and take any families and teachers from our school who would like to help out with this important project. We have also organized a restaurant for lunch (see our notice board in the entrance hall). If you are interested, please send an email to by Monday 11th November.
Celebrating San Martino
Sunday 10th November 10 a.m.
Via delle Erbe 29
There are lots of activities and games taking place at this lovely park, which is run by Nuova TerraViva and is just down the road from our school. To celebrate San Martino, children can go on a tour of the park with lanterns, listen to stories of San Martino and gather around an enormous bonfire which will be lit at 6 p.m. There is a small bar selling vin brulé, hot chocolate, pizza, cakes and roast chestnuts. It is also possible to have a vegetarian lunch if you book in advance.
10 a.m. Water colours activity (€5) Please book: 338 8935580
5 p.m. – Stories about San Martino and tour of the park with lanterns
6 p.m. – Lighting the bonfire
San Martino al Parco Massari
Saturday 9th November from 3 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Sunday 10th November from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
This is an autumn festival to celebrate San Martino with traditional roast chestnuts, wine, vin brulè, hot chocolate and other autumn desserts. For this event you need tickets which cost €7 and include:
a bag of roast chestnuts
a glass of wine, beer OR hot chocolate
an autumn cake
For children, there are lots of different workshops:
On Saturday 9th
3.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. Autumn arts and crafts (3-9yrs)
4.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. Treasure hunt for chestnuts
5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. Little chefs make San Martino biscuits (4 – 10yrs)
This is the first edition of a fair which is dedicated entirely to the sustainable growing of pears. This fruit is an important product of Ferrara as well as other regions of Italy. This event aims to bring producers, as well as consumers, together to share ideas, exchange knowledge and learn more about this delicious fruit.
Admission: Free
Hot Air Ballooning all-year-round in Ferrara
1st Sunday of each month
Meeting at 6 a.m.
A one hour flight (3 hours in total which includes inflating the balloon and the return journey by car) and a delicious breakfast afterwards.
Cost: €200 per adult
Organized by Link Tours
Via Garibaldi, 103
Tel.: 0532 201 365
The last of the Food festivals…
San Carlo – Pumpkin Festival
1st – 3rd November, at 7 p.m. (Sunday and national holidays: lunch time only at 12.30)
Campo Sportivo
A variety of imaginative and traditional dishes made from pumpkin.
Bondeno – Astro Gastro (autumn flavours)
15th, 16th & 17th November
Agriturismo ‘La Florida’, Via per Burana, 103
7 p.m. (Sundays at midday and 7 p.m.)
Lots of different autumn-flavoured dishes including pumpkin filled pasta, Maccheroncini with speck and leeks, mixed grill and home-made desserts.
Casumaro – Truffles (savoury)
1st , 2nd & 3rd November
Sala Polivalente “Don Alfredo Pizzi”, Via Garigliano, 14
7.30 p.m. (Sundays also open at lunchtime)
Dark and white savoury truffle is a very popular ingredient in this region. This food fair offers a variety of interesting and delicious dishes. Try truffle tagliatelle or lasagna. Taste quail, rabbit or pork accompanied with truffle shavings or sauce.
This is an opportunity to visit the Castle from another angle. You can listen to a guided tour in both Italian and English, which lasts about 15 minutes. Tickets
cost €3,50 for adults and €2,50 for children. The trip is free for children under the age of 5. Tickets can be bought at the information desk inside the castle.
Nena motor boat – River cruise to Venice
5th October, 7.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Departure from Via Darsena, 57 (Consorzio Wunderkammer entrance)
This one-way boat trip travels from the docks of Ferrara to San Marco’s Square, following the ancient trade routes once used by local merchants. It navigates the River Po all the way to the pretty town of Chioggia, stopping off at the natural oasis at Panarella for a picnic. After passing Chioggia, the boat will sail through the Venetian lagoons its final destination, the Riva degli Schiavoni. Passengers will then be left to enjoy a late afternoon in Venice where they need to make their own way back to Ferrara by train.
Cost: Adults €50, children aged 3 – 10 €25, children aged 0 – 3 are free.
Please book in advance by telephoning Antonella: 347 713 9988 or writing an email to:
Aperitif along the River – Nena Motor Boat
Every Friday from 7 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Departure from ‘Il Pontile’ restaurant (floating Pizzeria) Santa Maria Maddalena
Teatro Comune di Ferrara
Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5
22nd October, at 9 p.m.
Nuovo Balletto di Toscana Dance company presents ‘Pulcinella, uno di noi’
27th October, at 6 p.m.
Carolyn Carlso Company presents ‘Crossroads to Synchonicity’
Storie da Toccare – a series of sewing workshops to create different pages of a cloth book. Held by Rita Venturoli.
Friday 4th October at 5 p.m.
‘Un Albero per Raccontare le 4 Stagioni’ – (The Four Seasons)
Friday 18th October at 5 p.m.
‘Cosa c’è in Fondo al Mare’ – (What can you find at the bottom of the sea?)
Suitable for children aged 5 +
Cost: 8 euro per workshop
Please book: 0532 202823
Mesola – On the Trail of the Mesola Deer
Until 27th October
Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays
Tours start at 9.30 a.m., 11 a.m., 2.30 p.m. and 4 p.m.
A last opportunity to visit these beautiful woods before winter arrives.
Tickets cost: 12 euro for adults and 9 euro for children aged 7 – 12
Website: or email info@podeltatourism or telephone: 05333 81302
What’s on in Comacchio
Flamingo Watching
7th September – 12th October on Saturdays , 3.30 p.m.
Departure from Manifattura dei Marinati, Comacchio
This is an interesting guided tour by minibus around the lagoons of Comacchio to see these beautiful birds before they migrate. It is a fantastic opportunity not to be missed.
Tickets cost: 15 euro for adults and 10 euro for children under 12
Times and meeting places are organized at the time of booking. For further information:
Comacchio is a traditional fishing village and is well-worth a visit as it often has lots of events on and it is a quirky little place. It is particularly famous for its eels, which are caught locally and are a delicacy. During this festival there will be music, street entertainment, craft stalls and other food to taste. Try the gourmet food stand in Via Fattibello which is open from 11.30 a.m. – 3 p.m. & 6 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Halloween in Comacchio
31st October, 10am – midnight
Celebrate Halloween in Comacchio if you dare! Meet ghosts floating around the streets of Comacchio, watch a zombie parade and witches flying in the sky. There will be pumpkin stalls, arts and crafts and all sorts of spooky things going on.
More Halloween events to come later!
Food festivals continue…
Vigarano Pieve – Sagra della Pera (Pear)
Area Parrocchiale, Via Mantova, at 7.30 p.m.
3rd – 6th October
If you have been into the Ferrarese countryside you will have noticed all the rows of fruit trees typical of this area. This food festival in Vigarano Pieve has an imaginative and mouth-watering pear menu and is well-worth a visit! Try pear and truffle lasagne, pear Tortelli, meat dishes with pear and brandy and of course pear ice-cream!
San Nicolò – Sagra dell’Uva in cucina (Grapes)
4th, 5th & 6th October
Piazza Chiesa, at 7p.m., Sundays midday and 7p.m.
An interesting menu which explores the use of grapes in Ferrarese cuisine. There are sultana sauces, meat stuffed with grapes and risotto with grapes. For dessert try “Sugoli” a type of mousse made from grapes.
Madonna Boschi – Sagra della Salamina da Sugo al Cucchiaio
3rd – 6th &10th – 13th October
Via Madonna Boschi, 1, at 7.30 p.m., Sundays only at lunchtime (midday)
If you would like to try this unusual Ferrarese dish this is the food festival to go to. This village produces the best Salamina da Sugo in the region.
Per informazioni più dettagliate su Carnevali, consultare la nostra precedente newsletter o visitare la nostra pagina web. Ecco le date del Carnevale:
Carnevale estense di Ferrara
2 e 3 marzo
Carnevale di Cento
3 e 10 marzo
Carnevale di Comacchio
3 marzo
Carnevale di Ravalle
24 febbraio e 3 marzo alle 23:30
Palazzo dei Diamanti – ‘Boldini e la Moda’
16 febbraio – 2 giugno 2019
Aperto tutti i giorni dalle 9:00 alle 19:00, compresa la domenica e il lunedì di Pasqua, il 25 aprile, 1 maggio e il 2 giugno.
Orari di apertura a tarda notte fino alle 22.30 l’8 marzo, 21 aprile, 31 maggio, 1 e 2 giugno. Il 18 maggio fino a mezzanotte.
Ingresso: Adulti 13 euro, bambini 6-18 anni 11 euro, gratuito per bambini sotto i 6 anni, disponibili biglietti per famiglie scontati.
23 – 31 marzo
Apollo Cinepark (Piazza Carbone, 35)
Palazzo della Racchetta – mostre, dibattiti e presentazioni
Sapevi che Ferrara è la città natale di alcuni dei più importanti registi e attori italiani e che ha avuto un ruolo importante nella storia della cinematografia? L’attore e regista Maximilian Law, che ha organizzato questo evento, ha scelto 24 film internazionali e nazionali che verranno proiettati durante questo Festival al Cinema Apollo. Mostre, dibattiti e conferenze stampa a tema cinematografico si terranno al Palazzo della Racchetta, così come lungo via Carlo Mayr che diventerà la “via del cinema”. La cerimonia “Golden Dragon Awards” si terrà presso la Sala Estense in Piazza Municipale domenica 31 marzo alle 18:00. L’ingresso è gratuito ma ovviamente ci sarà un numero limitato
di posti, quindi andateci presto. I film sono mostrati nella loro lingua originale con i sottotitoli in italiano. I film principali sono seguiti da un secondo film più corto.
“Valli e nebbie”
29, 30 e 31 marzo 2019
Piazza Castello
Questo è un raduno automobilistico internazionale che si ferma nel centro storico di Ferrara. Alcuni dei più importanti e noti produttori automobilistici partecipano ed è una grande opportunità per gli appassionati di auto per ammirare auto d’epoca.
30 e 31 marzo 2019
Zona Ferrara Fiere e Congressi
Via della Fiera 11
Sabato: dalle 10:00 alle 23:00
Domenica: dalle 10:00 alle 21:00
Questo è un enorme festival enogastronomico con stand provenienti da tutta Italia per visitare e gustare le specialità. Una volta pagato il biglietto d’ingresso, hai diritto di assaggiare quanto vuoi negli stand di degustazione, aperti dalle 12:00 alle 14:00. e le 17.30 – 20.30 (17.30 – 20.30 di domenica) Ci sono molte informazioni sul cibo italiano, sul mangiare sano, dimostrazioni di cucina, hobby e artigianato, musica e ballo.
Ingresso: 14 euro per gli adulti, 12 euro ridotti, bambini fino ai 10 anni di età sono gratuiti.
Martedì 5 marzo alle 20.30
Emanuel Axe, piano
Musiche di Brahms, Benjamin, Schumann, Ravel, Chopin
Biglietteria in corso Martiri della Libertà, 5 o email:
Ridotto del Teatro Comunale
Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5
Questa è una bella opportunità per le persone di godersi brevi concerti in un ambiente elegante ma accogliente. I concerti sono spesso gratuiti o hanno un prezzo ridotto, da qui il nome “Ridotto”.
1 marzo alle 17:00
Classico / Neoclassico – Da Alceste a Norma: melodramma italiano ed europeo.
Entrata libera
4 marzo alle 17:00
Ferrara Piano Festival – Musiche di Bach, C, Debussy e Ravel
Biglietti: 5 euro e 3 euro
8 marzo alle 17:00
Musica e cultura negli anni ’50 a Ferrara
Entrata libera
12 marzo alle 11.00
Musicisti come Amici, seconda edizione
Biglietti: 5 euro e 3 euro
13 marzo alle 16:00
Società Dante Alghieri – Les Fetes Galantes in concerto
Musica di Back, Vivaldi, Telemann
Entrata libera
15 marzo alle 17:00
Classico / Neoclassico – Da Alceste a Norma: melodramma italiano ed europeo.
Entrata libera
18 marzo alle 17:00
Integrale Schubert
Biglietti: 5 euro e 3 euro
19 marzo alle 11.00
Musicisti come Amici, seconda edizione
Biglietti: 5 euro e 3 euro
22 marzo alle 11.00
Classico / Neoclassico – Da Alceste a Norma: melodramma italiano ed europeo.
Entrata libera
25 marzo alle 17:00
Grandi Romantici – Schubert, Listz, Chopin
Entrata libera
31 marzo alle 21:00
La Suite Goyescas di Granados
Entrata libera
Stagione d’opera
Teatro Comunale
Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5
21 marzo alle 20:00
Georg Haendal – Acis e Galathea
Carnival Time!
For more detailed information about Carnivals, please see our previous newsletter or visit our webpage. Here are some reminders of Carnival dates:
Ferrara’s Este Carnival
2nd & 3rd March
Cento’s Carnival
3rd & 10th March
Comacchio’s Carnival
3rd March
Ravalle’s Carnival
24th February & 3rd March at 2.30 p.m.
Palazzo dei Diamanti – ‘Boldini e la Moda’ Exhibition
16th February – 2nd June 2019
Open every day from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., including Easter Sunday & Monday, 25th April, 1st May and 2nd June.
Late night opening times until 10.30 p.m.
8th March, 21st April, 31st May, 1 & 2nd June
On 18th May until midnight.
Admission: Adults 13 euro, children aged 6-18 11 euro, free for children under 6, discount family tickets available.
Ferrara Film Festival
23rd – 31st March
Apollo Cinepark (Piazza Carbone, 35)
Palazzo della Racchetta – exhibitions, debates and presentations
Did you know that Ferrara is the birthplace of some of Italy’s most important film directors and actors, and that it has played an important role in the history of cinematography? The actor and film director Maximilian Law, who has organized this event, has chosen 24 international and national film premieres to be shown during this Film Festival at the Apollo Cinepark. Film-themed exhibitions, debates and press conferences are being held at the Palazzo della Racchetta, as well as down Via Carlo Mayr which will become the ‘cinema avenue’. The actual ‘Golden Dragon Awards’ ceremony for the Ferrara Film Festival will be held at the Sala Estense in Piazza Municipale on Sunday 31st March at 6 p.m. Admission is free but obviously there will be a limited number of seats, so get there early. Films are shown in their original language with Italian subtitles. The main films are followed by a second shorter film.
29th, 30th & 31st March 2019
Piazza Castello
This is an international car rally which stops over in Ferrara’s historical city centre. It has some of the most important and well-known automobile manufacturers taking part and it is a great opportunity for car-lovers to admire these vintage cars.
Misen – Food Fair Show – Il Salone Nazionale delle Sagre
30th & 31st March 2019
Ferrara Fiere e Congressi zone
Via della Fiera 11
Saturday: 10 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
This is an enormous food and wine festival with stands from all over Italy for you to visit and taste the specialties. Once you have paid your entrance fee you are entitled to taste as much as you want at the tasting stands, which are open from 12 – 2 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. (5.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. on Sunday) There is lots of information about Italian food, healthy eating, cookery demonstrations, hobbies and crafts, music and dancing.
Entrance: Adults 14 euro, reduced 12 euro, children aged 10 and under are free.
Concert Season
Teatro Comunale
Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5
Tuesday 5th march at 8.30 p.m.
Emanuel Ax, piano
Music by Brahms, Benjamin, Schumann, Ravel, Chopin
Ticket office on Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5 or email:
Concerts in the Theatre’s Foyer – ‘Ridotto del Teatro Comunale’
Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5
This is a lovely opportunity for people to enjoy short concerts in an elegant but cosy setting. The concerts are often free or have a reduced price, hence the name ‘Ridotto’.
1st March at 5 p.m.
Classic/Neoclassic – From Alceste to Norma: Italian and European melodrama.
Free entrance
4th March at 5 p.m.
Ferrara Piano Festival – Music by Bach, C, Debussy and Ravel
Tickets: 5 euro & 3 euro
8th March at 5 p.m.
Music and Culture in the 1950s Ferrara
Free entrance
12th March at 11 a.m.
Musicisti come Amici, 2nd Edition
Tickets: 5 euro & 3 euro
13th March at 4 p.m.
Società Dante Alghieri – Les Fetes Galantes in concert
Music by Back, Vivaldi, Telemann
Free entrance
15th March at 5 p.m.
Classic/Neoclassic – From Alceste to Norma: Italian and European melodrama.
Free entrance
18th March at 5 p.m.
Intergrale Schubert
Tickets: 5 euro & 3 euro
19th March at 11 a.m.
Musicisti come Amici, 2nd Edition
Tickets: 5 euro & 3 euro
22nd March at 11 a.m.
Classic/Neoclassic – From Alceste to Norma: Italian and European melodrama.
Free entrance
25th March at 5 p.m.
Grandi Romantici – Schubert, Listz, Chopin
Free entrance
31st March at 9 p.m.
La Suite Goyescas di Granados
Free entrance
Opera Season
Teatro Comunale
Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5
21st March at 8 p.m.
Georg Haendal – Acis and Galathea
The ticket office is next to the theatre or go on-line to
Il carnevale di Venezia è famoso in tutto il mondo ed è assolutamente da non perdere. La città è sempre affollata, soprattutto durante i weekend, ma nonostante tutto c’è sempre una magica atmosfera da respirare.
Cerimonia di apertura (parte 1)
Festa sull’acqua – Rio di Cannaregio. Sabato 27 gennaio, 18.00 e 20.00
I canali di questo sestiere si trasformeranno in un teatro ricco di musica e spettacoli.
Cerimonia di apertura (parte 2)
Festa sull’acqua – Punta della Dogana. Domenica 28 gennaio, 11.00
Questa meravigliosa sfilata di barche parte da Punta della Dogana e percorre il Canal Grande, fino ad arrivare al Rio di Cannaregio. Dopo l’attracco (alle ore 12:00 circa) si aprono gli stand che offrono numerosi dolci e prodotti tipici veneziani.
Cena di gala ufficiale e ballo
Da sabato 3 al 14 febbraio, ore 21.00
Ca’ Vendramin Calegri
Se desideri un’esperienza di carnevale davvero sorprendente con intrattenimento, un pasto favoloso e musica questo è l’evento magico per te. Bisogna affrettarsi e prenotare on-line ma attenzione ai prezzi: sono piuttosto magici!
Piazza San Marco –Concorso delle migliori maschere
3 febbraio alle 11.00 5, 6, 7 febbraio alle 12.30 & 14.30 8 febbraio alle 14.30 9 & 10 febbraio alle 12.30 & 14.30 Cerimonia di premiazione 11 febbraio alle 15.00 12 febbraio alle 12.30 e 14.30 13 febbraio alle 14.30
Ogni giorno Piazza San Marco si trasformerà in un enorme palcoscenico dove le persone possono sfilare per la passerella nel loro miglior costume.
Festa delle Marie (processione storica)
Piazza San Marco 3 febbraio dalle 14.30, Via Garibaldi
La processione parte da San Pietro di Castello alle 14:30, percorre via Garibaldi e Riva degli Schiavoni, per arrivare in Piazza San Marco alle 16:00 circa. Seguirà la storica sfilata delle 12 più belle donne veneziane, omaggiate di doni dal Doge, nella piazza (è possibile attendere l’arrivo della processione direttamente in Piazza San Marco dove, si svolgeranno diverse attività d’intrattenimento).
‘Festa delle Marie’ Cerimonia di premiazione
Piazza San Marco 13 febbraio, alle 16.00
La Maria prescelta arriverà in barca a Piazza San Marco dove riceverà la sua corona.
Piazza San Marco – Il Volo dell’Angelo
4 febbraio, dalle 11.00 Il volo dell’angelo apre il carnevale di Venezia ogni anno ed è veramente impressionante da vedere. I festeggiamenti hanno inizio un’ora prima della rappresentazione del volo, che segna la vera apertura del Carnevale di Venezia.
La decapitazione del toro – Ballo in maschera
Piazza San Marco, alle 14.00
Un’interpretazione della leggenda di “Giovedì Grasso” attraverso uno spettacolo mascherato.
‘Il Volo dell’Aquila’
Piazza San Marco 11 febbraio
I festeggiamenti hanno inizio alle 10:30, anche se il volo comincerà a mezzogiorno circa. Si tratta di un altro tradizionale e caratteristico evento del carnevale: un personaggio famoso, nei panni di un’aquila, “scende in picchiata” dalla cima del campanile fino a piazza san marco.
‘Lo Svolo del Leon’
Piazza San Marco 13th February, 5 p.m.
È la cerimonia di chiusura del carnevale: un’enorme bandiera col leone, simbolo della città, viene fatta volare su piazza san marco.
Altri Carnevali vicino a Venezia
Carnevale di Mestre
3 & 4 febbraio, 8 – 10 febbraio alle 15.30
Piazza Ferretto
Venezia celebra il ‘Carnevale’ per le vie di Mestre, animando piazze e strade con musica e intrattenimento
The Venice carnival is famous world-wide and is a ‘must’ whilst staying in Ferrara. It gets very crowded especially at weekends, but don’t be put off as there is always something magical about celebrating ‘Carnevale’ in Venice.
Opening Celebration – Festival on Water
Rio di Cannaregio
Sunday 17th February, from 10.30 am to 1 pm
The canals of this area of Venice (Rio di Cannaregio) will come alive with music and theatre. Watch the spectacular boat parade which starts from Punta della Dogana and travels along the Canal Grande all the way to Rio di Cannaregio. When the boats arrive (around 12 p.m.) food stands will open, offering typical sweets and other Venetian delicacies.
Official Dinner and Ball
Ca’ Vendramin Calegri
23rd, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th February, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th March, from 9 pm to 2 am
If you would like a truly amazing carnival experience with entertainment, a fabulous meal, music and everything organized for you, then this is the magical event for you. Hurry though and book on-line. Watch out for the prices – they are rather magical too! Go to This event is for adults only.
Best Mask of Venice Competition
Each day Piazza San Marco will transform into an enormous stage where people can parade up and down the catwalk in their best costume and mask.
Sunday 24th at 11 a.m. & 3 p.m.
Monday 25th February at 11 a.m. & 3 p.m.
Tuesday 26th February at 11 a.m. & 3 p.m.
Wednesday 27th February at 11 a.m. & 3 p.m.
Thursday 28th February at 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. – Grand finale qualifiers
Friday 1st March at 11 a.m. – Grand finale qualifiers
Saturday 2nd March at 11 a.m. – Grand finale qualifiers
Sunday 3rd March at 2.30 p.m. – Grand Finale
Monday 4th March at 11 a.m. – Children’s Edition
Tuesday 5th March at 11 a.m. & 3 p.m.
If you would like to participate in the “Best Mask Contest” this event is free. Go to the official Venice Carnival website: and click on the ‘Best Mask Contest’ event. Simply fill in the form and email it back to the indicated address. You will then be sent all the information you need.
Festa delle Marie (A historical Procession)
Saturday 23rd February from 2.30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
The procession leaves San Piero di Castello (via Garibaldi) at 2.30 p.m. and arrives in Piazza San Marco at around 4 p.m.
This is a historical street parade of the 12 most beautiful Venetian ladies who are presented with gifts from the Doge of Venice in the main Piazza.
Festa delle Marie – Award Ceremony
Piazza San Marco 5th March, at 4 p.m.
The most beautiful Maria will arrive by boat in Piazza San Marco where she will receive her crown.
Il Volo dell’Angelo (The flight of the Angel)
Piazza San Marco Sunday 24th February, from 11 a.m. onwards
‘The Flight of the Angel’ opens the carnival of Venice each year and is an impressive sight to watch. There will be lots of entertainment in the Piazza whilst waiting for the angel to fly down from the bell tower at around midday.
‘Il Volo dell’Aquila’ (The Flight of the Eagle)
Piazza San Marco Sunday 3rd March, 11 a.m. – midday
Another traditional event which symbolizes the Carnival of Venice is the ‘Flight of the Eagle’ – a celebrity bravely “flies” from the top of San Marco’s bell tower to San Marco’s square, dressed as an eagle.
‘Lo Svolo del Leon’
Piazza San Marco 5th March, 5 p.m.
An enormous flag with the symbol of the city flies over the piazza to close the Carnival of Venice officially.
5th March, from 2.30 p.m. – 5 p.m. Zelarino (Venice)
[:] 14:11:282019-01-29 14:11:28Carnevale di Venezia 2019
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