Virtual tour
Palazzo Gulinelli: ‘A noisy silence. Filippo De Pisis and our children’
“Il silenzio che fa rumore. Filippo di Pisis e I nostri bambini”
We are ONLINE!!!
The art exhibition “A Noisy Silence. Filippo Depisis and our children – Il silenzio che fa rumore. Filippo Depisis e i nostri bambini.” which was presented at Smiling Palazzo Gulinelli in Corso Ercole I d’Este last May is online!
As of today, in fact, it will be possible to take a virtual tour of the exhibition, organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Ferrara, and admire all the works created by our Early Years pupils joined with the 1st and 2nd graders of Smiling Primary School, together with the students of Mami Education and under the valuable guidance of the cultural association Senzatitolo.